Rev Version 1.4.1
Rev Version 1.4.1
Figure 69 Fail-safe Block Configuration - Analog
First Register
First local register in the fail-safe block.
Number of registers to incorporate in the fail-safe block
Time allocated to the fail-safe block before triggering a fail-safe state.
Initialize at Startup
Select this checkbox if you want to initialize the value on startup. If this option is
deselected, the register will be uninitialized (~).
Startup Value
Sets the value that the register will be set to on module startup.
Invalidate on Fail
Select this checkbox if you want the register to be invalidated on failure.
Fail Value
Sets the value that the register is set to when a fail occurs.
Invalid Register State
All registers within the module can have various states depending on the type of register and the type of value it
holds. A typical analog range is between 0 and 65535, and a digital value can be 0 or 1. Registers can also be in an
“invalid” state, which means that the register has not been written to and therefore holds non or null value. If you
were to read the registers using I/O Diagnostics, an invalid register would read as
“~” (see Figure 70.
NOTE Any mapping with an invalid register will be inhibited from sending. This is to ensure that the data
that arrives at the destination is valid and not the default values that the module has on startup.
Figure 70 Invalid Register State