Function Description
750-636/000-x00 DC Drive Controller 24V/5A
Version 2.1.0
4.13 Standstill Condition
While processing the motion command, the brake path of the drive is determined
at every stop. The brake path is always concluded, when the I/O module detects
the standstill of the motor due to missing rotary transducer impulses. In addition,
the standstill evaluation is also executed in the inactive positioning cycle. In both
cases, the result is displayed in the I/O module status of the process image.
Taking into consideration the examinations made in chapter "Maximum Pulse
Frequency of the Incremental Encoder" regarding the maximum number of pulses
of the I/O module, it is possible to develop the following graphical illustration
showing the speed in pulses for different incremental encoders.
Figure 34: Revolution Speed in Pulses