Prevention and Cares with Electronic Components
To avoid damages to the electronic components in the electric system, do not
disconnect the battery with the operating engine.
Never start the engine while the battery is disconnected. When chargin it, turn
off the vehicle’s battery. First disconnect the negative cable and then the positive
one. Be careful to not invert the position of the cables.
When connecting it again, first install the positive cable and then the negative
Starting with an Uncharged Battery
Never start the engine using a battery charger, as this will damage the electronic
Starting the Engine with Auxiliary Cables
With the aid of auxiliary cables, the engine of a vehicle
with an uncharged battery can star t running by
transferring to it the battery energy of another vehicle.
This shall be performed carefully and according to the
following instructions.
ATTENTION: Non-observance of these instructions may cause damages
to the vehicle and personal injuries as well, as a result of the battery explosion, in
addition to the burning out of the electric system.
Perform the operations in the indicated order:
ATTENTION: Always protect your eyes and do not rest on the batteries.
Do not use rings, watch, bracelets, etc. Eventual erros in the operation may
result in explosion of the batteries, causing physical injuries. Keep away open fire
and cigarettes from the batteries and avoid electric sparks. Do not use auxiliary
batteries of less capacity than the vehicle’s batteries. Disconnect the electrical
components that do not need to be continuously switched on. Never use quick-
charge equipments to aid the starting. The alternator and the vehicle’s electrical
equipments may be damaged.
In emergency, if the battery charge of the vehicle is insufficient to activate the
starting, you may use auxiliary batteries connected in parallel (positive with positive
and negative of the auxiliary battery with the vehicle’s mass, at a distance of 30
cm from the battery and the moving and/or hot parts) and firmly connected. If
batteries of other vehicle are used, previously disconnect from the electric circuit
of the other vehicle and ensure that the vehicles do not touch each other. Perform
the starting following the procedures described in this manual.
The electric system of these modules is 24 volts, with 2 batteries of 12 volts
connected in series.
Note: Use auxiliary batteries following the
scheme given here, that is, with 2 batteries of 12 volts
also connected in series.
It is recommended to disconnect cable (+ red) 2 that is
attached to the starting motor and connect cable (+) 1
of the auxiliary batteries to this disconnected cable.