S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E
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P r e v e n t a t i v e M a i n t e n a n c e
Clean Drip Tray
1. Pull the drip tray straight out.
2. Empty the contents of the tray into a sink.
3. Separate the grill from the tray.
4. Rinse the grill under warm running water.
5. Rinse the drip tray under warm running water.
6. Place the grill back onto the drip tray.
7. Slide the drip tray back into the position on the front door.
Empty Overflow Cup
1. Lift the overflow cup up and pull it towards you to free it from its support bracket.
2. Discard the water inside the overflow cup.
3. Replace the overflow cup onto its support bracket.
Check “Service” Decal
1. Make certain the “
For Service Call…
” decal is present on the equipment and is in good
2. Install or replace the decal, if required.
Check Water Filter and Expiration Date
1. Check the expiration date that was written onto the water filter cartridge when it was installed.
Replace the water filter cartridge, if required. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing
the cartridge.
2. Inspect the water filter for any leaks around the filter head.
3. Inspect the tubing and fittings for leaks on the inlet and outlet of the filter head.
Inspect Fascia and Selection Buttons
1. Inspect the fascia on the selection panel for damage and adhesion issues.
2. If the fascia is damages or if it is not sticking well, replace the fascia.
3. Inspect the decals on the buttons for wear. Replace decal(s), if necessary.
Not including the “
” button
, press each selection button on the selection panel several
times to verify proper operation (this includes the hidden buttons).
5. Place a cup on the cup stand.
6. Press the “
” button to verify its operation. This will start a brew cycle and the beverage will
be dispensed into the cup on the cup stand.
Brew Test Cups of Each Product
1. With the front door closed, place a cup on the cup stand.
2. Press the “
” button.
3. Press “
” to begin the brew cycle.
4. Taste the coffee and make any necessary adjustments.
5. Repeat the same procedure for all the rest of the beverages on the selection panel.