Learning Pro OCR Basics
9. Using the same steps you used to create the text regions, drag the mouse until
the box following it encloses all three columns of numbers and release the
mouse button.
Make sure the entire image of the number columns is enclosed by the new
region you have defined.
10. Choose Numeric from the Style menu.
The locate region you just defined becomes a numeric region.
To make a table from the selected regions:
1. Choose Select All from the Edit menu.
Pro OCR selects all of the locate regions you defined.
2. Choose Make Table from the Edit menu.
Pro OCR creates a table from the selected locate regions.
3. Click the Recognize button in the Gallery toolbar.
Pro OCR recognizes the page image using the locate regions you defined in the
previous steps.
After Pro OCR is finished recognizing, the page appears in the text view.
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