Tips for Getting the Best Results
1. Choose Create Deferred Job from the Process menu.
The Create Deferred Job dialog box appears.
2. Select the files you want to process.
Create Deferred Job lets you scan a stack of pages or read in a set of image
files. If you have only one page, or you want to retrieve and process a single
file, you can use Get Page.
Remember to set the appropriate Get Page options.
3. Manually locate the locate regions on the current page.
4. Repeat Step 2 for each page in the document.
5. Choose Finish Processing from the Process menu.
Make sure you set the appropriate Locate and Recognize options in the
Save the document in the Pro OCR Deferred format.
If you save the document in the Pro OCR Deferred format, you can choose
Process Deferred Jobs later to finish processing it.
Using Locate and Recognize on the Document
This section discusses documents where some pages need a different locating
method, but all the remaining pages can be located with the same locating method.
For example, if you need to locate text and pictures on some pages or text only on
other pages, you can change the locating method. This procedure assumes you’ll
use the same settings in the Get Page and Recognize rows of the Gallery for the
entire document.
To use Locate and Recognize on a document and then complete processing:
1. Choose Create Deferred Job from the Process menu.
Remember to set the appropriate Get Page options.
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