Setting Recognize Options and Proofing a Recognized Document
3. Click OK.
The current user dictionary (and any changes you make to it) is used until you
choose a different one.
To add to the User Dictionary while editing in the text view:
1. Select a different user dictionary, if necessary, by choosing Select User
Dictionary from the Tools menu.
NOTE: Make sure you have a user dictionary open. Add to User Dictionary is
only available when there’s a current user dictionary.
2. If you’re searching for possible misspelled words, choose Proof to skip to the
next possible misspelled word.
Pro OCR selects the word. (Make sure you have the Misspelled Words
proofing option selected.)
Double-click a word to select it.
3. Choose Add to User Dictionary from the Tools menu.
Pro OCR adds the word to the current user dictionary.
The changes you make to the current user dictionary are automatically saved
when you choose a different user dictionary or when you exit Pro OCR.
Displaying a Summary of Recognized Errors
When recognition is completed, you can display the Properties dialog box to view file
information, such as the number of pages, number of characters, and number of
suspect characters.
To display summary information:
Choose Properties from the File menu.
The File Properties dialog box appears.
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