spell checking
Pro OCR automatically checks spelling during the Recognize
step using its built-in dictionary and the current user
dictionary. After Pro OCR finishes recognizing, you can
check the spelling in a document using the user-configured
Proof command.
standard resolution
A term associated with FAX modems, referring to the default
resolution of the image files produced by these devices.
Standard resolution is approximately 200 x 100 dpi, which
may be insufficient for reliable recognition.
status bar
The panel of controls located along the bottom edge of the
Pro OCR window. The status bar contains the view size
selector, page indicator, view selector, and status display
status display area
At the right end of the status bar. The status display area
shows the percentage of the current process that is completed.
After recognition this area shows the number of suspect and
illegible characters in the current page.
Stringent suspect threshold
Tells Pro OCR to highlight all suspect characters. Use it
when accuracy is important and when there are many words
in the document that are not in the dictionaries. Set in the
Display Options dialog box. Compare with
Lenient suspect
Normal suspect threshold
stroke weight
A measure of the average distance between the edges of the
lines in a character. Certain typefaces have heavier stroke
weights than others. A bold typeface has a heavier stroke
weight than a Roman typeface.
Style ribbon
The panel located just beneath the Gallery inside of the Pro
OCR window. The Style ribbon makes it quicker and easier
to find and choose various style attributes for locate regions
and selected text. See also
region style
text style
stylized font
A font with exaggerated serifs and embellishments and/or
extraneous lines. Stylized fonts are a problem for the so-
called omnifont (feature extraction) systems because these
fonts do not adhere to generic character format rules required
by omnifont technology. Zapf Chancery is a stylized font.
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