consistent document
A set of pages or image files where the same Gallery settings
apply to each page in the document. Pro OCR’s Auto Start
feature can be used to best effect when a document is
copyrighted document
Most published or printed materials and documents are
copyrighted. It is illegal to use a computer and Pro OCR to
copy, store, or reproduce, on paper or electronically, any
copyrighted documents without the permission of the
copyright holder.
deferred job
A file that contains one or more partially processed pages for
Pro OCR to finish processing later on. See also
Deferred format
deferred processing
deferred processing
Provides the ability to individually specify Get Page, Locate,
and recognize settings for particular pages when necessary,
while still being able to automatically process a job at a later
degraded image
An image that contains broken characters, touching
characters and/or background noise. See
broken character
touching characters
background noise
dialog box
In Windows applications, the standard pop-up box that is
displayed to communicate with the user when a command
requires some further action. Some dialog boxes are
Your working environment on the computer—the menu bar
and the background area on the screen. You can have a
number of documents or windows on the desktop open at the
same time.
document area
The main part of the application window in Pro OCR. The
document area shows one page of the current document at a
time using the selected View Size setting.
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