word wrap
The automatic continuation of text from the end of one line to
the beginning of the next. Word wrap lets you avoid pressing
the Return key at the end of each line as you type. For
example, when you input text in most word processors, lines
of type are automatically “wrapped” to the next line when
they won’t fit within the current line margins. If you change
the margins, or the type size, or the spacing between words in
a document, lines are often re-wrapped. When you save
documents in any export format, text lines are wrapped in the
output file. When you save documents in ASCII format, you
can prevent lines from wrapping and preserve specific line
breaks by selecting the option to preserve line breaks in the
Save As Options dialog box.
zoom controls
The first set of controls at the left end of the status bar. Use
them to easily change between magnification (zoom) levels.
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