Creating and Processing Deferred and Batch Jobs
Locate, or Recognize setting for the different pages in a document. You’ll also use
these processes with a mixture of settings or when more than one person works on
the documents or more than one workstation is used.
Guidelines for Using Finish Processing and Deferred Processing
You can combine automatic processing, single-step processing, Finish Processing,
and deferred processing in a variety of ways:
Process a whole document using automatic processing.
Process a whole document using automatic processing, then use single-step
procedures to process individual pages again as necessary.
Read in a whole document using Create Deferred Job, then use single-step
procedures to process individual pages as necessary, and complete
processing automatically with Finish Processing.
Read in a whole document using Create Deferred Job, then use single-step
procedures to process individual pages as necessary, and save the document
in Pro OCR Deferred format. You can then complete processing
automatically with Process Deferred Jobs.
How it Works
When you select Finish Processing, you’re telling Pro OCR to intelligently evaluate
the current document and automatically complete processing. When you select
Process Deferred Jobs, you’re telling Pro OCR to read in and intelligently evaluate
a saved document and automatically complete processing.
As Pro OCR encounters each page in the document, it checks to see if the page has
been located or recognized. If the page has not yet been located or recognized, Pro
OCR uses the current Gallery settings for the Locate and Recognize steps. If the
page has been located but not recognized, Pro OCR uses the already-specified
locate regions for the page and uses the current recognize setting for the Recognize
step. If the page has already been located and recognized, Finish Processing or
Process Deferred Jobs continues with the next page.
Setting Up and Processing Deferred Jobs
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