Locating Text and Graphics
Numeric region Hold down the Ctrl key as you drag the cross
hair pointer across the page image.
Picture region
Hold down the Ctrl + Shift keys, as you drag the
cross hair pointer across the page image.
As you drag, a box is drawn from the corner where you started to the cross
hair of the pointer. When the box encloses the desired text, release the
mouse button.
A box is then displayed with sizing handles in each corner and at the center
of each side. A text region is enclosed in a box drawn with a single solid
line. A numeric region is enclosed in a box drawn with a double solid line
with dots between the lines. A picture region is enclosed in a box drawn with
a double solid line.
If there are any locate regions already on the page, an arrow is drawn from
the center of the existing locate region on the page that is last in the
sequence, to the top center of the new locate region you’ve just created.
Tips When Creating Locate Regions
The following tips may help you when creating a new locate region:
Locate regions are always ordered in sequence. When you define a new a
locate region, it is placed at the end of the existing sequence of locate
A locate region cannot be created smaller than 21 image pixels on a side. If
the mouse button is released before a locate region is at least this big, no
locate region is defined.
A locate region cannot extend beyond the edges of the page image. If a new
locate region extends beyond the edge of the window during resizing, the
window automatically scrolls up to the edge of the page.
You can manually resize locate regions—both the ones that Pro OCR creates
automatically and the ones you create manually. Locate regions are always
resized as a rectangle.
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