Addition applies the color that is produced from adding the color values of
the original colors with that of the painted color. For example, if the overlying
frame is R:10 G:210 B:125 and the underlaying clip is R:30 G:100 B:100 then
the resulting color will be R:40 G:255 B:225 – (R=10+30 G=210+100
B=125+100). (Values greater than 255 are rounded down to 255.)
Subtract applies the color that is produced from subtracting the color values
of the original colors with that of the painted color. As in the above example,
R:10 G:210 B:125 and R:30 G:100 B:100 would result in the color R:0 G:110
B:25 – (R=10-30 G=210-100 B=125-100) (Color values less than 0 are rounded
down to 0.)
Multiple applies the color that is produced from multiplying the color values
of the original colors with those of the painted color and then divides the result
by 255; rounding to the closest integer value for each color channel. For
example, if the overlying clip color is R:10 G:210 B:125 and the underlying clip
is R:30 G:100 B:100 the resulting color will be R:1 G:82 B:49 – (R=10*30/255
G:210*100/255 B:125*100/255.)
Inverse of multiple works in the same way as above except it inverts the
resulting color. For example, if the resulting color is black, the inverse will be
Pigment applies the color which is produced from blending the painted color
with the original colors, much in the same way an artist creates new colors by
mixing paints.
2. Freehand defines the drawing mode as Freehand. Freehand mode mimics
painting by hand, applying paint as you move your mouse.
3. Straight Line defines the drawing mode as Straight Line. Straight Line mode is
for painting straight lines. To paint a straight line, first click the point where you
want the line to start and drag to the point where you want it to end and release
your mouse. (Pressing the [
] key constrains the line to an angle of 0º, 45º, or
4. Connected Lines defines the drawing mode as Single Line. This mode functions
much like the Straight Line mode except that after a line is painted, you can select
a new line segment and continue painting. Double-clicking then paints a straight
line connecting the ending point to the starting point.
If you make a mistake while drawing a single or connected line, or wish to
start again, press the [
] key.
Transparency defines how pure a color is. A transparency of 0 is pure color
while a transparency of 100 produces no color.
Wet Control defines how wet paint is when it’s applied, from 0 (the wettest) to 100
(the driest). The wetter the paint, the greater the amount of overflow.
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