RMON Configurations
User Guide
absolute | delta:
Choose the sampling method of the specified variable. The default is
absolute. In the absolute mode, the switch compares the sampling value against the preset
threshold; in the delta mode, the switch obtains the difference between the sampling values
of the current interval and the previous interval, and then compares the difference against
the preset threshold.
Enter the rising threshold. Valid values are from 1 to 2147483647, and the
default is 100. The rising threshold should be larger than the falling threshold.
Enter the index of the Event entry that will be triggered when the sampling value or
the difference value exceeds the preset threshold. Valid values are from 1 to 12. The Event
entry specified here should be enabled first.
Enter a falling threshold. Valid values are from 1 to 2147483647, and the default
is 100. The falling threshold should be less than the rising threshold.
Enter the index of the Event entry that will be triggered when the sampling value or
the difference value is below the preset threshold. Valid values are from 1 to 12. The Event
entry specified here should be enabled first.
rise | fall | all:
Choose an alarm type; the default is all. Rise indicates that the alarm is triggered
only when the sampling value or difference value exceeds the rising threshold. Fall indicates
that the alarm is triggered only when the sampling value or difference value is below
the falling threshold. All indicates that the alarm is triggered when the sampling value or
difference value either exceeds the rising threshold or is below the falling threshold.
Enter the owner name of the entry using 1 to 16 characters. The default name
is monitor.
Set the sampling interval. The value ranges from 10 to 3600 seconds; the default is
1800 seconds.
Step 3
show rmon alarm
index ]
Displays the specified alarm entry and related configurations. To show multiple entries,
enter a list of indexes separated by commas, or use a hyphen to indicates a range of
indexes. For example, 1-3, 5 indicates 1, 2, 3, 5.
Enter the index of Alarm entry that you want to view. Valid values are from 1 to 12.
The command without any parameters displays all existing statistics entries.
Step 4
Return to Privileged EXEC Mode.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config
Save the settings in the configuration file.
The following example shows how to set an alarm entry to monitor BPackets on the switch.
Set the related Statistics entry index as 1, the sample type as Absolute, the rising threshold
as 3000, the related rising event entry index as 1, the falling threshold as 2000, the related
falling event index as 2, the alarm type as all, the notification interval as 10 seconds, and
the owner of the entry as monitor:
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