Thermo Fisher Scientific
User Guide STP420D/STP420ES
Reagent: An integrated Reagent Management System monitors the usage of
reagents based on the values set for the maximum number of cartridges, cycles
or days and alerts you about the necessary replacement of reagents.
1. Remove the reagent bottle by pushing the metal tab on the front of
the bottle (A) and simultaneously pulling the bottle (B) forward:
2. Use the handle to carry the reagent bottle to a suitable place for
emptying it.
3. Remove the cap and empty the used reagent into an appropriate
waste container.
4. Clean the emptied bottle with a suitable cleaning agent, if necessary,
and then rinse it thoroughly again.
5. Refill the bottle with the appropriate reagents, according to the
levels marked on the side.
The reagent bottles are marked with two filling lines, US gallons on
the left and liters on the right.
If you intend operating with one chamber only, you need only fill
the bottles to the lower mark.
If you intend operating with two chambers simultaneously, you must
fill the bottles to the upper mark.
3-6-2 Manually replacing
Figure 33.
Removing the reagent bottles.
routine operations
Cleaning Baskets and Replacing Reagents