Thermo Fisher Scientific
User Guide STP420D/STP420ES
routine operations
Assigning Reagents and Paraffins to Stations
The buttons in the lower part of the screen change to display the
available functions.
3. Select the reagent you want from the list of available reagents and
to assign it to the station you selected.
4. Reagent: Select the desired reagent from the available list and click
OK, to assign to the selected station.
5. You can now fill the station bottle with the selected reagent in one
of two ways:
• Manually: By refilling the reagent bottle
• Automatically: Using the ‘automatic filling’ function (see
Section 3-6-3 Automatically replacing reagents)
If the desired reagent station has a reagent already assigned, pressing the
“Manual” button will assign it as an empty bottle, pressing “Delete” will
confirm this reassignment. Only then is the “reagent” key available. Pressing
the “Manual” button again will once more mark the selected reagent station
as full.
Figure 29.
Frame marking the selected reagent.
Formalin 1