Kinetic calculations
Kinetic calculations can be used when the number of readings is more than 1 in the measurement
parameters (see Measurement parameters). Also the results of a kinetic calculation can be used as
source data for further calculations.
The available kinetic calculation types are:
Average rate
Maximum rate
Time to maximum rate
Time to change
Maximum of well
Time to maximum
If the message “
Kinetic processing failed
” appears, check the calculation parameters first.
Average rate
Average rate is also known as normal rate. The average kinetic rate (slope of the absorbance (Abs)
vs. time curve) is calculated by linear regression (linear least squares method or LLS) using all the
measurement readings within the selected raw data and time range.
You can define the following settings:
Kinetic rate
– Select to view the results in either seconds (s) or minutes (min). The Kinetic rate is
always calculated per second but if you select per minute, the time is automatically converted to
minutes after the calculations.
Ignore from beginning
– Ignores a defined number of points (readings), counted from the first
Ignore from end
– Ignores a defined number of points (readings), counted from the last reading.
Maximum rate
If the maximum rate is selected, the software searches the data for the maximum rate found in each
well. To obtain the maximum rate, a series of linear curve fits will be performed for different segments
of the measurement value, absorbance vs. time curve (Figure 15). The first segment starts at the first
data point within the selected time and measurement range, the second segment starts at the second
data point, and so on, until all the data points have been analyzed. All the rate calculations are
evaluated to determine the maximum rate. In other words, the LLS fit of
span points are
sequentially fitted through each of the
data points. There will be
n - m + 1
curves produced from
this. You can specify the number of data points in a segment with the