Engine Assembly (Rev 1/97)
47. Install the push rods in their respective openings. Make
sure the push rods are seated properly in the tappets.
Lubricate the socket in the top end of each push rod
with engine oil.
48. Place the valve stem caps on the valve stems.
Install Valve Stem Caps
49. Place the rocker arm assembly in position on the
mounting studs. Make sure all of the valve adjustment
screws are loose and have been backed out a few turns.
50. Install the rocker arm mounting nuts (and bolt on the
three cylinder engines). Alternately turn each nut (and
bolt) one turn at a time to evenly apply the valve spring
pressure to the rocker arm assembly. Make sure the
valve adjustment screws all seat properly in the sockets
on the ends of the push rods while the rocker arm
assembly is being tightened.
Install Rocker Arm Assembly
51. Torque the rocker arm mounting nuts (and bolt). Refer
to Specifications for the recommended torque.
52. Adjust both the intake and the exhaust valves. Refer to
the valve adjustment procedure at the end of the Run In
Procedure section.
Adjust Valves
53. Install the oil pressure control valve and the oil filter.
On the TK 3.88 and the TK 3.95 the oil pressure control
valve is attached to the oil filter adapter.
Install Oil Pressure Control Valve