Engine Assembly (Rev 1/97)
37. Install and tighten the camshaft thrust plate mounting
Install Camshaft
38. Install the idler shaft and tighten the mounting bolts.
Install Idler Shaft
39. Install the idler gear and align the timing marks. The
idler gear tooth marked with an A should line up with
the A between the teeth on the crankshaft gear. The
idler gear tooth marked with a B should line up with the
B between the teeth on the camshaft gear. The injection
pump gear tooth marked with a C should line up with
the C between the teeth on the idler gear.
40. Place the thrust washer and the snap ring on the idler
gear shaft. The sharp edge of the thrust washer and the
snap ring should face away from the idler gear.
Install Idler Gear
41. Use a dial indicator to check the gear lash between the
timing gears, if it has not been checked already.
42. Lubricate the tappets with engine assembly compound
or engine oil. Insert each tappet into its respective tap-
pet bore.
Install Tappets