Typical applications
Optical presence detector thePixa P360 KNX
Constant lighting control, additional manual override vis push button, 4
The presence detector controls the lighting independently for each zone. The lighting can also be switched and
dimmed manually.
Dimming via push button ends the control (only in school mode). The presence detector remains at the set
dimming value while the room is occupied. When the light is switched off via a push button, the lighting remains
switched off as long as the presence detector detects that the room is occupied. The presence detector takes
control only after the time delay has elapsed.
It is also possible to operate the presence detector as a semi-automatic device. This can be adjusted individually
for each zone. In this case, the lighting must always be switched on by hand, the detector does not switch on the
lighting automatically.
For the zone definition, the template
4 zones per 1/4 of the image area is used in the ETS database, for
Important: With the predefined zone divisions, zone 1 is always the entire detection area. This must be
taken into account for the lighting control.
thePixa P360 KNX (2269200)
DALI Gateway KNX plus (9070929)