Manual operation with push buttons
Optical presence detector thePixa P360 KNX
Manual operation via switching function with dimmable light
If the lighting is operated manually in configuration type <switch light..> and <Lighting dimmable in switching
mode>, the following response occurs in the corresponding zone:
Example with zone 1:
Push button operation
Response of lighting/detector
ON telegram
The lighting is switched on with an ON telegram of the
button. The override is detected via object 11, and the
lighting remains on for 30 minutes if the room is
occupied. Light measurement is deactivated.
The light measurement is reactivated after the 30
minutes. In case of sufficient brightness, an OFF
telegram is sent to object 10, and the lighting switches
If the room is vacated before the 30 minutes have
expired, the light will be switched off normally after
the completion of the set time delays.
Dimming telegram (4 bit)
The lighting is dimmed with a dimming telegram of the
button. The override is detected via object 13, and the
new dimming value remains until the presence time
delay has expired. Afterwards, the existing settings are
applied again.
Value telegram (1 byte)
The lighting is dimmed with a value telegram of the
button. The override is detected via object 15, and the
lighting remains at the transmitted value for the
duration of presence until the presence time delay has
expired. Afterwards, the original settings are applied
OFF telegram
The lighting is switched off with an OFF telegram of
the button. The override is detected via object 11, and
the lighting remains on for the duration of the
presence. After the room is vacated and the
corresponding time delay has expired, the zone is
again in normal switching mode.