Typical applications
Optical presence detector thePixa P360 KNX
Master/Master parallel switching
To cover larger areas with different lighting conditions, such as open-plan offices, several Master presence
detectors or Master zones are linked together.
Each Master operates its lighting group according to its light measurement and settings. They exchange presence
among each other. This extends the detection area. It should be noted that each Master can only detect the light
switched or controlled by itself.
Master/Master parallel switching can be used independently of whether the Master is configured for switching or
constant lighting control.
thePixa P360 KNX (2269200)
RMG 4 U (4930223)
Instead of 2 different detectors, a Master-Master parallel switching can also be implemented with just one
thePixa, by configuring both zones as Master.
Obj. 25
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Obj. 0
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