NBC™ Flat Belt - IOM
P/N: 1118140
Rev: 07/29/2020
M12 Sensor Connection used with WTR style sensors
The M12 Sensor Connection module differs from the standard module in that it does not have the
sensor hard wired to the module. Instead, a cable with female M12 connector will be provided for
connection with standard sensors (i.e. WTR style sensors). This connection will have a 28 in.
(711mm) length and right angle connector. The module requires a PNP sensor input signal that is
either Light Operate from a retro-reflective sensor or Dark Operate from a proximity sensor. Pin-out
may be found in Figure 30.
Figure 24: M12 Sensor Connection Pin-out
Adaptor Cable for M12 Connector
To connect the M12 logic module or M12 WTR sensor, a conversion cable is required. The adaptor
cable allows the M12 connector to plug into the 2x2 connector. See Table 21 for types.