NBC™ Flat Belt - IOM
P/N: 1118140
Rev: 07/29/2020
1.33: A
Logic Modules and Release Rates
Your NBC conveyor comes with a field switchable logic module for every zone. All the logic modules
are shipped in the basic mode. This will be indicated by a green light when the 24VDC power is
Basic Release
In the basic release mode, all logic modules are set to basic.
The release
efficiency will generally be 40% to 50% depending on the conveyor speed and the type of release at
the discharge of the unit. A timed pulse release is generally more efficient than a one time “flush” type
of release.
Diagram of conveyor modes are all set to basic
Progressive Release
Conveyors should not be operated with 100% of the logic modules switched to the progressive mode
in the contact accumulation mode. This could cause line pressure issues if there is a jam since in the
release mode, progressive ignores the photo sensors and dumps all the zones at once, in the same
way slug discharge operates.
In the progressive release mode for contact
accumulation, it is extremely important to set every 5th logic module to
This limits a product jam, condition line pressure to 16' of conveyor. Failure to set every fifth
logic module to basic can result in extreme line pressures that can damage your conveyor, product
and could cause injury and void factory warranty.
Release efficiencies in progressive mode (every fifth logic module set to basic) are in the 70% to 90%
range depending on speed and type of release at the discharge of the unit.