NBC™ Flat Belt - IOM
P/N: 1118140
Rev: 07/29/2020
NBC Pressure Pan – spring-to-drive rollers, air-to-accumulate
NBC Logic Module Assembly
The NBC transportation has the same spring loaded pressure pans as the accumulation versions, but
no air diaphragm to disengage the pressure pan. A plastic Cam can be manually activated to lock the
pressure pan in the down position for ease of belt installation. However, once the plastic Cam is
manually deactivated, the pressure pan always holds the drive belt in contact with the carrier roller.
Air Transportation
Air transportation uses air diaphragms to retract the pressure assemblies rather than the plastic
lockout Cam. All the diaphragms are linked together to a central valve which is designed to disengage
the entire line at once. There are no logic modules for individual zone accumulation.
Logic Module
Hidden air diaphragm retracts
pressure channel