NBC™ Flat Belt - IOM
P/N: 1118140
Rev: 07/29/2020
An emergency stop should normally stop all conveyors in the system. Very large systems may involve
dividing a system into zones of control based on proximity of personnel, safety hazards, walls
obstacles, etc.
Controls Logic
Solid state controls logic devices, such as programmable controllers are used extensively for
conveyor control. They are very reliable, but a hardware failure or software bug would cause an
output to function erratically. For this reason, start circuits, warning horn circuits, and emergency
stops should usually be configured using conventional relay logic.
Safety Switches
All conveyor control cabinets and motors should be provided with safety (or disconnect) switches.
These switches must have provisions for padlocking. As required for maintenance, equipment should
be locked in the off position.
Special Devices
Special devices and equipment such as vertical lifts, turntables, high speed conveyors, etc., all have
unique design and safety requirements. These should be looked at in each case to determine what
the requirements might be.
Rev 03/01/2019