NBC™ Flat Belt - IOM
P/N: 1118140
Rev: 07/29/2020
1.14: E
All conveyor sections should be installed in accordance with the elevations shown on the drawings. In
addition, they must be level across the frame width and length (if horizontal). Leveling of the frames is
best done using a rotating laser level or builder’s level.
After the first elevation is established at a critical point, the elevation of all other points shall be relative
to this first point. Normal practice is to dimension the layout and measure elevations from the floor at
each point of support.
As the conveyor system proceeds onto another floor or into another building or room, a new elevation
will be measured from the floor at that point. The new elevation will then become the reference from
subsequent elevations.
When installing an overhead system, the first elevation is measured from the floor and becomes the
reference elevation point until a change in the elevation is shown on the layout. Any new elevation is
also measured from the floor and becomes the new reference point. The process is repeated each
time an elevation change occurs.
Consult the building architect or a structural engineer regarding ceiling loading or structural
limitations of the building if any conveyor section is ceiling hung.
TGW is not responsible for permits regarding ceiling load data.
1.15: L
Line straightness must be maintained or belt will miss-track and result in damage to the