Premier Elite Series Installation Manual
System Outputs
18 - UDL Lockout
This output type activates when an attempt is made to upload/download
with incorrect site details more than three times and deactivates after 4
hours or after a valid User code is entered.
19 - UDL Call Active
This output type activates when an upload/download is started and
deactivates when the upload/download finishes.
20 - UDL Enabled
This output type activates when ‘Enable UDL/Engineer’ is enabled
and deactivates when ‘Enable UDL/Engineer’ is disabled (see page
126 for details).
21 - Confirmed Alarm
If the system is already in alarm, this output type activates when a
different zone (not on the entry route) is activated and deactivates at
the en
d of the ‘Confirmation’ time, when a code is entered within the
‘Abort’ time or when the alarm is reset
22 - Custom1 Stage A
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 1’ Stage A activates
and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 1’ Stage A deactivates
23 - Custom1 Stage B
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 1’ Stage B activates
and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 1’ Stage B deactivates
24 - Custom1 Stage AB
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 1’ Stage A or B
activates and deactivates w
hen ‘Custom Output 1’ Stage A
25 - Custom2 Stage A
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 2’ Stage A activates
and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 2’ Stage A deactivates
26 - Custom2 Stage B
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 2’ Stage B activates
and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 2’ Stage B deactivates
27 - Custom2 Stage AB
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 2’ Stage A or B
activates and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 2’ Stage A
28 - Radio-Pad Failed
This output type activates when the radio pad fails to communicate
with the Alarm Receiving Centre and deactivates when the radio pad
successfully communicates.
29 - Radio Successful
This output type activates when the radio pad successfully
communicates with the Alarm Receiving Centre and deactivates when
the radio pad fails to successfully communicate.
30 - No Radio Signal
This output type activates when the Radio-Pads forward signal is lost and
deactivates when the signal is regained.
31 - Radio-Pad Lost
This output type activates when the Radio-Pad stops communicating
with its base station or the control panel and deactivates when
communication starts again.
Custom3 Stage A
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 3’ Stage A activates
d deactivates when ‘Custom Output 3’ Stage A deactivates
33 - Custom3 Stage B
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 3’ Stage B activates
and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 3’ Stage B deactivates
34 - Custom3 Stage AB
This output type operates wh
en ‘Custom Output 3’ Stage A or B
activates and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 3’ Stage A
35 - Custom4 Stage A
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 4’ Stage A activates
and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 4’ Stage A deactivates
36 - Custom4 Stage B
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 4’ Stage B activates
and deactivates when ‘Custom Output 4’ Stage B deactivates
37 - Custom4 Stage AB
This output type operates when ‘Custom Output 4’ Stage A or B
activates and deactivates wh
en ‘Custom Output 4’ Stage A
38 - Com 1 Fault
This output type activates when whatever is connected to Com Port 1
stops communicating with the control panel and deactivates when
communication starts again.
39 - Com 2 Fault
This output type activates when whatever is connected to Com Port 2
stops communicating with the control panel and deactivates when
communication starts again.
40 - Com 3 Fault
This output type activates when whatever is connected to Com Port 3
stops communicating with the control panel and deactivates when
communication starts again.
41 - Com 1 No Signal
This output type activates when whatever is connected to Com Port 1
loses its signal and deactivates when its signal is regained.
42 - Com 2 No Signal
This output type activates when whatever is connected to Com Port 2
loses its signal and deactivates when its signal is regained.
43 - Com 3 No Signal
This output type activates when whatever is connected to Com Port 3
loses its signal and deactivates when its signal is regained.
44 - Coms Fault
This output type activates whenever any type of communication fault
occurs i.e. No Signal, Com Port Fault, line fault etc. and deactivates
when communication starts again.
45 - Radio Jamming
This output type activates whenever the wireless radio receiver
detects a jamming signal and deactivates when the jamming signal is
46 - Radio RX Tamper
This output type activates when the wireless radio receiver lid is
removed, causing a Tamper alarm on the system, and deactivates
when the Tamper alarm is reset.
47 - Detector Test
This output type is activated via Wintex to initiate a diagnostics check
on an PD6662: 2004/EN 50131-1 Grade 3 detector and deactivates
after 10 seconds.
48 - ATS Remote Test
This output type conforms to the BSIA Form 175 Specification. When a
Line Fault is not present it can be activated remotely by Wintex, or by
using the ‘Test Call Timer’ or ‘Start Test Call’ option on the control panel
to initiate a test on ATE equipment that have an ATS test input. NOTE:
Only the RedCare Line Fault and Control panel Line Fault inputs can be
used with the output type.
49 - No ATS Available
This output type activates when no Alarm Transmission paths are
available and deactivates when the fault is cleared.
50 - CIE Fault
This output type activates when a fault occurs on the CIE and
deactivates when the fault is cleared.
51 - PSU Fuse Blown
This output type activates when the Auxiliary input type ‘PSU Monitor’
detects a 12V failure and deactivates when the fault is reset.
52 - PSU Battery Flt
This output type activates when the Auxiliary input type ‘PSU Monitor’
detects a battery fault and deactivates when the fault is reset.
WD Test Active
This output is activated via remote maintenance software to initiate a
diagnostics check on an external sounder with remote test capability
and will deactivate after 1 minute.
PSU Mains Fault
This output is activated when a PSU mains fault is detected.
Com 1 Power On
Reserved for future use.