098-00564-000 Revision A3 – July, 2013
TimeProvider 2300/2700 User’s Guide
Chapter 3
TimeProvider 2300/2700 CLI Command Set
Table 3-1. PTP Client Status Descriptions
Status Parameter
Client Status
Indicates whether the client has established flow
with the master.
Minimal Round Trip Delay (µs)
Indicates the smallest round trip delay between
this slave port and its upstream master.
Flow Weight (%)
Indicates the percentage contribution of the sync
Transient free out of 900s
Values are rolling 15 minute (900 s) metrics.
Transients include loss of sync flow, phase steps,
and pops against both dynamic and static
thresholds. If a given second includes a
transient, it is not considered "transient-free".
Generally if 80% or more of the time is
transient-free (720 s or more), transient packet
behavior should not be causing performance
Transient free out of 3600
Values are rolling 1 hour (3600 s) metrics.
Transients include loss of sync flow, phase steps,
and pops against both dynamic and static
thresholds. If a given second includes a
transient, it is not considered "transient-free".
Generally if 80% or more of the time is
transient-free (2880 s or more), transient packet
behavior should not be causing performance
Percentile Clustering (%)
Indicates percentage of sync packets that meet
all clustering criteria and are therefore included
in extracting lock offset estimates.
Operational Min TDEV (ns)
An operational stability estimate using the
minimum TDEV metric defined in G.8261.
Smaller values correlate to better output
performance. This value is based on forward flow
Operational MAFE (ppb)
Operational stability estimate proposed to the
ITU-T. MAFE (maximum Average Frequency
Error) estimates the maximum frequency error of
a packet clock based on a clustering and
averaging window. The clustering window is 1
minute and the averaging window I 15 minutes.
Min Cluster Width (ns)
Current operational minimum cluster width used
in the clock estimate.