Chapter 1
Server Diagnostics
Diagnostic Actions
Diagnostic Action
Resulting Action
Additional Information
Check Power OK
and Input OK
LEDs on the server.
The Power OK LED is located on the front and rear
of the chassis.
The Input OK LED is located on the rear of the
server on each power supply.
If these LEDs are not on, check the power source
and power connections to the server.
Section 1.3 “Using the
Status Indicators to
Identify the State of
Devices” on page 1-4
Check the Solaris
log files for fault
The Solaris message buffer and log files record
system events and provide information about faults.
If system messages indicate a faulty device, replace
the FRU.
Section 1.6 “Collecting
Information From Solaris
OS Files and Commands”
on page 1-15
Determine if the
fault is an
Environmental faults can be caused by faulty FRUs
(power supply, fan, or blower), or by environmental
conditions such as when computer room ambient
temperature is too high, or the server airflow is
blocked. When the environmental condition is
corrected, the fault will automatically clear.
Section 1.4 “Using the
Service Processor Firmware
for Diagnosis and Repair
Verification” on page 1-11
If the fault indicates that a fan, blower, or power
supply is bad, you can perform a hot-swap of the
FRU. You can also use the fault indicators on the
server to identify the faulty FRU (fans, blower, and
power supplies).
Section 1.3 “Using the
Status Indicators to
Identify the State of
Devices” on page 1-4
Determine if the
fault was detected
by PSH.
If the fault message displays the following text, the
fault was detected by the Solaris Predictive Self
Healing software:
Host detected fault
Section 1.5 “Using the
Solaris Predictive Self
Healing Feature” on page
If the fault is a PSH detected fault, identify the
faulty FRU from the fault message and replace the
faulty FRU.
“Clear PSH Detected
Faults” on page 1-15
After replacing the FRU, perform the procedure to
clear PSH detected faults.
Contact Sun for
The majority of hardware faults are detected by the
server’s diagnostics. In rare cases, a problem might
require additional troubleshooting. If you are unable
to determine the cause of the problem, contact Sun
for support.
Sun Support information: