Prism6 & Crystal Reader software User Manual
Figure 28: Settings page for the logged manager in the Crystal Reader software.
A user with the “Manager” profile has the same rights as a “Basic” user and has the
following additional rights:
Modify the “Focus Value” used for experiment scanning, either manually or
via the “Focus Calibration” functionality, for each chip model.
Create or remove user accounts.
Modify the default output and input directory paths used for new user
accounts and non-logged users.
Modify the password of user accounts.
Modify the profile of user accounts (“Basic” or “Manager” profile).
Modify the default values for LED exposure times.
Modify the default fluorophore names.
Modify the default min, max, and step values for the z-values to be tested
the “Focus Calibration”, for all chip models.
In the path fields,
“%USERPROFILE%” can be used: this is a Windows environment
variable that
redirects to the path of the current Windows session’s user.
For example: if the user is logged in Windows with th
e account “John”,
%USERPROFILE% has the following value: “C:\Users\John”
For calibration purposes, the manager can perform an automated estimation of the
optimal acquisition focus (i.e., optimal z-
value) by clicking on the “Focus Calibration”
button (see next section).
3. How to perform focus calibration?
The focus calibration is an advanced functionality that can only be performed by the
“Manager” user. This feature automatically computes the optimal acquisition focus value,
at which the image sharpness of the droplet regions is the highest.