Prism6 & Crystal Reader software User Manual
Configuration” field is an advanced
If this field is empty, the software will automatically use the default Image Analysis
Configuration File that is optimal for the majority of experiments prepared by the user.
The specific files for different applications are available on the Monitor at this location by
: “C:\Program Files\Stilla\CrystalMiner\config”
In t
he “Plots Configuration”, the user can load the Crystal Miner plots configuration here
to have it ready to use in the
“.ncx” file after the scan. Please see Crystal Miner
documentation about
“.ncp” files that embed the plots viewing configuration.
In the
“Analyzing Configuration” the user can load the Crystal Miner plots configuration
here to have it ready to use in the “.ncx” file after scan. Please see Crystal Miner software
documentation about the
“.nca” files that embeds the threshold or polygons settings, and
the population configuration.
Figure 13: The
“Scanning Parameters” menu.
Click on the “Scanning Parameters” drop down to edit the exposure time of each
excitation LED (in ms):
Focus value
The focus value representing the optimal z-distance of the imaging plane in mm.
The focus value is a set value based on the original instrument calibration that do
not need to be modified.
Exposure times
With the selection of a respective scanning template file default exposure times
will be displayed
Exposure times can be modified to optimize experimental settings
Increasing (resp. decreasing) the exposure time of a LED will increase (resp.
decrease) the fluorescence intensity value of the droplets in the image associated
with the detection channel.
The exposure time of each LED should be sufficiently high to discriminate
between negative and positive droplets in the detection channel, but not too high
in order to avoid the saturation of positive droplets in the detection channel
(intensity saturation implies the loss of quantitative information).
Check the scanning parameters: