Prism6 & Crystal Reader software User Manual
4. Step (5) - Check image quality
Click on the quality flag of a chamber to explore the respective chamber image in detail.
Figure 21
Overview of a Sapphire chip chamber image in the “Blue Channel” detection channel
in the Crystal Reader software
To explore the images of a chamber:
Click on the LED icons (on the left panel) to change the acquisition channel.
Use the mouse scroll to zoom in/out in the image.
Use the left mouse click to translate the image.
Click on the
“Auto” button to automatically adjust the image contrast.
Click on the “Reset” button to reset the image contrast.
It is possible to navigate across the chambers using:
the chip holder layout on the top right (click on the rectangle of a chamber to
explore it)
The left/right arrow buttons on the top to explore the previous/next chamber.
The left/right/top/left arrows of the keyboard to explore the chamber in the
specified direction.
Check that the negative droplets are visible in the “Blue Channel” image thanks to the
addition of the reference fluorophore (e.g., fluorescein). If necessary, click on the “Auto”
button to adjust the image contrast.
The negative droplets should be visible in all Blue channel images, otherwise,
experiment analysis cannot be performed.