Making Settings Using a Personal Computer
To display another page
Click the desired program number group in the
PROGRAM NO. SELECT column. Or click the [Prev]
or the [Next] button, and programs change in units of
10 programs every time you click either button.
When a + mark attached to the program number
group in the PROGRAM NO. SELECT area:
A + mark indicates that there are program numbers in
which a scene has been stored.
At the initial settings, scene numbers from 1 to 127 are
assigned to all program numbers 1 to 127. However, if
a program number is matched to a scene number in
which a scene is not stored yet, a + mark is not
attached. Thus, at the time of the initial settings, a +
mark is not attached.
Make settings related to MIDI
You can make settings for recalling a scene using the
MIDI signal.
Edit Mode window of the MIDI page