User Manual of A90 Series Inverter
The main frequency source A depends on the AI (percentage) * F00.16.
AI1 is the 0-10V voltage input;
AI2 is the 0-10V voltage input or 0-20mA current input, selected via the terminals
S4/S5 on the terminal block;
The percentage corresponding to the input physical quantity of the AI terminal is set
by the function codes F02.31 to F02.36. 100.00% is the percentage to the set value of
F00.16 (maximum frequency).
F00.04=4: digital potentiometer setting
Operating instructions for the digital potentiometer:
Rotate the digital
potentiometer forward or reversely in the monitoring interface, to increase or decrease the
set frequency.
F00.04=6 or 7: main frequency communication setting
The main frequency source A depends on the communication, etc.
If the master-slave communication (F10.05=1) is enabled and the inverter works
as the slave (F10.06=0), the main frequency source A is set to “700FH
(master-slave communication setting) * F00.16 (maximum frequency) * F10.08
(slave receiving proportional coefficient)”, and the 700FH data range is -100.00%
to 100.00%,
as detailed in
For general communication (F10.05=0):
percentage setting: the main frequency source A is set to “7001H
(communication percentage setting of the main channel frequency A) * F00.16
(maximum frequency)”;
direct frequency setting: the main frequency source A is set to “7015H
(communication setting of the main channel frequency A)”
The 7001H data range is -100.00% to 100.00%, and the 7015H data range is 0.00
to F00.16 (maximum frequency), as detailed in Table 0-2.
The final setting of the main frequency source A is also dependent on the DI terminal
Table 7-1 Detailed Setting of Main Frequency Source A
Terminal Function
Status Description
11-14: multi-segment speed
terminals 1-4
If one is valid, the multi-segment speed mode will be
enabled (F08.00-F08.14).
51: switching of main
frequency source to digital
frequency setting
Valid, depending on the digital frequency setting
F00.07, the same as the function code F00.04=0