Installation Instructions Document No. 466-1574
Option 15: No Activity
Add enables the no activity time-out. Program the no
activity time-out in hours. The range is 02-24 hours (2
digits must be entered). A no activity alarm will be
called in if the programmed amount of time passes
and the panel is in level 0, 1, or 2 and no activity has
No activity is defined as: a key has not be pressed
from the panel or a touchpad and a sensor has not been
tripped (except one that is type 25).
Delete disables the no activity time-out.
Option 16: Auto Phone Test
Add enables the auto phone test. Program the auto
phone test frequency in days. The range is 001 - 254
days (3 digits must be entered). The start time for the
auto phone test begins 12 hours after the Control Pan-
el is powered up.
Delete disables auto phone test.
Option 17: Dialer Delay
Add enables the dialer delay. Program the delay in
seconds. The range is 001-120 seconds (3 digits must
be entered). This option causes the Control Panel to
wait the programmed time before calling the central
station. Alarms activated by sensors that are type 0-8,
26, and the emergency button on the front of the con-
trol panel or on any of the touchpads will always be
called in immediately.
Delete disables the dialer delay.
For UL installations, dialer delay time cannot be
greater than 45 seconds.
Note: The Control Panel will not wait the programmed dial-
er delay to call in an alarm if the Control Panel is disarmed
before the dialer delay expires and opening reports are on.
Both the alarm and opening report will be called in immedi-
Option 18: Alarm Cancel
Add enables alarm cancel. Program the time in min-
utes. If the Control Panel is disarmed from an alarm
state within the programmed time, the Control Panel
will send an alarm cancel message. The range is 001-
254 minutes (3 digits must be entered). If pro-
grammed to 255, cancels will always be sent to the
central station.
Delete disables the alarm cancel.
Option 19: Supervisory Time (SUPSYNC)
Add sets the supervisory time. Program the time in
hours. The range is 02-24 hours (2 digits must be en-
Delete resets SUPSYNC to 2 hours.
For UL listed systems, the SUPSYNC shall not ex-
ceed 4 hours.
Option 20: Manual Phone Test
Add allows the user to perform a manual phone test.
Delete disables manual phone test.
Option 21: Opening Reports (Disarming Reports)
Add enables opening reports. Opening reports will be
sent to the central station if the Control Panel is dis-
armed from a higher arming level.
Delete disables opening reports.
Option 22: Closing Reports (Arming Reports)
Add enables closing reports. Closing reports will be
sent to the central station if the Control Panel is armed
to level 2, 3, or 4.
Delete disables closing report.
Option 23: Force Armed
Add enables force armed reports. A force armed re-
port will be sent to the central station if a sensor is in-
directly bypassed.
Delete disables force armed reports.
Table 11 User Codes for Opening and
Closing Reports
Arm or Disarm with:
Reports as
Control Panel, Touchtalk 2-Way RF
Touchpad, & Handheld Touch Pad
1-24 (sensor num-
Master Code
Access Codes 1-5
Panic Code