The results you can achieve with the SiliCycle MiniBlock system for parallel synthesis are dependent on the condition of your equipment. As
with any equipment in a multi-user laboratory environment, attention to cleanliness and proper equipment function must be built into routine
laboratory processes to assure maximum efficiency.
1. SiliCycle MiniBlock Slide Valve should be closed.
2. Carefully place SiliCycle MiniBlock on Shaking Station, or empty vacuum base.
3. Add suitable cleaning solvent to all Reaction Tubes.
4. Open the Reactor Valve.
5. Using vacuum and air pressure (as needed), drain solvent to waste.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until residual cleavage agents, reaction by-products, etc. are sufficiently diluted.
7. Remove the tubes. If using polypropylene tubes, Reaction Tube removal can be aided by use of the Tube Removal Tool (Figure 40).
Figure 40: Tube Removal Tool
Cleaning the SiliCycle MiniBlock and system components
is best done immediately following synthesis, purification
and collection. Certain chemicals can damage SiliCycle MiniBlock components
or system operation if not promptly cleaned from surfaces.