Converting SiliCycle MiniBlock volume configurations for ambient temperature operation requires:
• Proper Reaction Tubes
• Corresponding alignment and cover plates
These plates are color-coded (Figure 8) to enable ready identification of configuration components. For 48-Positions SiliCycle MiniBlocks, Black
alignment plates are used for either a Blue or Red SiliCycle MiniBlock.
Red plugs are used to fill unused female luer positions, to hold the vacuum applied beneath the SiliCycle MiniBlock when draining.
Figure 9: Red Plugs Configurations
For temperature controlled reactions, heat transfer blocks are substituted for the alignment plates. The heat transfer blocks are color-coded, as are
the alignment plates, except for the black heat transfer block, which is used with either a Blue or Red 48-Positions SiliCycle MiniBlock. The basic
SiliCycle MiniBlock configurations with the heat transfer blocks are depicted in Figure 10.
The two (
) different 48-Positions SiliCycle MiniBlocks -
Red and Blue - are actually complementary configurations.
A Blue block can be collected into half the positions
of a 96 deep well plate; the Red block can then be collected into the
intervening positions of the same 96 well plate (
see Figure 11
Alternatively, either the Red or Blue SiliCycle MiniBlocks
can be transferred into a 48-Positions collection format.
Use a collection block of corresponding Blue or Red
to assure proper transfer into the collection vessels.
Figure 10: SiliCycle MiniBlock Heat Transfer Blocks
Blue block, 6-Positions
Blue block, 24-Positions
Blue block, 12-Positions
Red block, 6-Positions
Red block, 24-Positions
Red block, 12-Positions