Byte arrangement
When data longer than one byte are stored, the bytes are arranged as follows ("big endian"):
The following specifications apply in the data sets:
• Non-relevant (reserved) entries are not listed.
Fill these entries with "0" when writing.
• In data sets for parameters, codes are shown in square brackets "[...]". "[D
]" describes the
default coding.
Object number (Obj. No.)
The object number (Obj. No.) is used for unique identification of all parameters available in the
3RW5 soft starter. In the case of a parameterization error, the object number of the faulty
parameter is displayed in data set 92 of the 3RW5 soft starter (slot 2) (Page 168) or in data set
92 of the 3RW5 HMI High Feature (slot 3) (Page 195) under "Faulty parameter number".
A.4 Data sets
SIRIUS 3RW5 PROFINET communication modules
Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E35631297002A/RS-AD/004