Troubleshooting Download Failures
18.1 Troubleshooting Download Failures
Programming and Operating Manual, 05/2020, A5E44499659002A/RS-AA/001
Cause of download failures
Password Protection Activated but wrong or no password entered.
The SIMOCODE pro parameters are protected by a password. An attempt was made to
change the parameters without entering the password or wrong password was entered. To
change parameters please use the correct password. If you do not know the password, new
parameters cannot be set until the factory default settings have been reset.
In case of password protection active user can disable the password in Device -> Password.
The menu gives options to change password/remove password.
Parameter change in current operation state not a Wrong parameter.
Error during download to switching device. Possible causes:
Motor is on
Remote mode is activated
ON command is present
Input Feedback On is set to the value = 1
Wrong basic device in device configuration
Initialization Module write protected
Calculators (only pro V *E03* and higher)
Current Measuring Module: Value not in valid range.
To check further information user can go to:
Check and Status related to device state and motor operation
Device -> Control / Status information
Device -> faults/warning/Status information
Check and reset the device states or parameter-value in respective menus, few
Device -> Command (write-protection on/off)
Device -> Control / Status information (Motor control or device mode)
Overload protection -> Current value/transformation ratio