Anti-tampering functions: anti-masking
Masking signal
The sensor detects the presence of objects that could obstruct the field of view. When
the system configuration is saved, the sensor memorizes the surrounding environment.
If the sensor subsequently detects variations in the environment that could influence
the field of view, it sends a masking signal to the control. The sensor monitors from -
50° to 50° on the horizontal plane regardless of the angular coverage set. Upon
receiving a masking signal, the control deactivates the safety outputs.
: the masking signal is not guaranteed in the presence of objects which cause
reflection effects that bring their RCS below the minimum detectable threshold.
Environment memorization process
The sensor starts the surrounding environment memorization process when the
safeRS3 Designer application configuration is saved. From that moment, it waits for the
system to exit the alarm status and for the scene to be static up to 20 seconds, then
scans and memorizes the environment.
If the scene is not static during the 20 seconds interval, the system remains in a fault
status (Signal error) and the system configuration must be saved again.
: It is recommended to start the memorization process after at least 3 minutes
from turning on the system to guarantee that the sensor has reached the operating
Only at the conclusion of the memorization process it is possible for the sensor to send
masking signals.
Causes of masking
Possible causes of masking signals are presented as follows:
an object that obstructs the field of view of the sensor has been placed in the
protective field.
the environment in the protective field changes significantly, for example, if the
sensor is installed on moving parts or if there are moving parts inside of the
protective field.
the configuration was saved with sensors installed in an environment that is
different from the working environment.
temperature fluctuations.
Masking signal when the system is turned on
If the system was off for several hours and there were temperature fluctuations, the
sensor might send a false masking signal when it is turned on. The safety outputs
activate automatically within 3 minutes when the sensor reaches its working
temperature. This does not happen if this temperature is still very far from the reference
8027489/2022-03-01 | SICK
Subject to change without notice
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | safeRS3