Version 1 .0
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tab is used to build sequences for automated BOD/cBOD analysis. Sequences can be saved by pressing the save icon
or recalled by pressing the search file icon
Figure 7.Process tabs for single and dual probe
6 .2 .1
Information Field
Figure 8. information field for single and dual probe
• legend
: Every line in the sequence is represented by a color in the rack visualization.
Figure 9. legend field
Once the “Run” button is pressed, the indicator representing the bottle in process turns blue;
Once the analysis is complete, the indicator representing the bottle in question turns green.
If the measurement of the bottle is not within an acceptable for Day 0 reading, the bottle in in question turns orange.
The system will prompt the user that failed bottles on Day 0 maybe be re-run. The user may remake the bottle, aerate the bottle or
accept the value measured. The system will wash the probes between bottles.