Version 1 .0
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"Method": BOD or cBOD method selected in the sequence and used in the test.
“Sample ID”: Unique ID of the sample in use.
“Sample volume”: Volume input into the sequence and used in the test.
“Seed volume”: Volume input into the sequence and used in the test.
"Initial Time": Initial temperature of the sample during Day 0 test.
"Final Time": Is the time of day sample has been measured.
“Initial DO”: Dissolved Oxygen measured in the initial test.
“Final DO”: Dissolved Oxygen measured in the final test.
"Final Temp (C)": Temperature of the sample during the final test.
“Depletion”: Calculated by subtraction of final DO from initial DO. .
“BOD/cBOD (mg/L O
)”: Calculated sample DO depletion.
“Remark”: Comments on data out of range.
In Remarks, a bottle which failed measuring criteria will be marked with <R>. If remeasured and bottle passed the criteria, <RM>will
appear to the right of <R>.
In the
Tab, the following functions are accessible:
Configuration process.
Position (Robot).
Pump calibration.
Seed Pump
Inhibitor Pump
Dilution Water Pump.
Waste Pump.
ProODO Probe.
Figure 16. Screenshot of the Utilities tab.