Version 1 .0
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6.4.1 Configuration Process
Select sequence test from Day 0, Day 5, Day 7 or Day 20 (figure 18).
"Day 0": Measurement of the initial dissolved oxygen concentration following the test sequence on day 0.
"Day 5": Measurement of the final dissolved oxygen concentration on Day 5.
"Day 7": Measurement of the final dissolved oxygen concentration on Day 7.
"Day N": Measurement of the final dissolved oxygen concentration on Day N. N is user definable.
"Select Bottle”: Choose capacity of bottles to be used.
“Total Volume”: Actual volume of the BOD bottle.
Figure 17. configuration Process field.
6.4.2 Position (Robot)
"POSITION (ROBOT)": Manually moves the robot arm to the designated rack and bottle #. When decap is installed
the robot will remove caps.
"Rack": Choose the rack position.
"Bottle": Choose the bottle position.
"Use Probe": Move the arm to lower the probe into the designated bottle.
"Use Pump": Move the arm to align the liquid transfer tubes with the opening of the bottle.
"Prime All": Used to prime all BOD lines. Robot will move to the wash station.
Figure 18. Position (Robot) field.