Version 1 .0
16 | Edit sequence tool
Add task to input process table.
Makes a correction to selected line in input process table.
Delete last line or selected line in input process table.
Clears the entire process table.
Saves the current task list in the process table.
Loads a previously saved tasklist.
Figure 13. edit sequence fileds. Process table fields
Figure 14. input zone to build test sequences.
"RACk:" Position of the rack on the rack table. Select between rack positions A, B or C.
"ID": Unique ID of the rack in use.
"BOTTLE": Position of the bottle in the rack (range depends on the Rack #).
"ID": Unique ID of the bottle.
"TYPE": Select among Blank, Seed, QC, Sample.
"METHOD": Select between BOD and cBOD.
"METHOD RINSE": Check to rinse between samples. If rinse is checked the probe is washed between each bottle. Unchecked between
bottles and checked between samples to rinse probes between samples.
"SAMPLE ID": Unique ID of the sample. If the sample ID is the same as another sample the software will calculate the average value
based upon it meeting the QC requirements.
"VOL (ml)": Volume in ml of the sample pipetted into the bottle.
"DL": Dilution factor. This is the dilution factor prior to aliquotting the sample.
"SEED VOL (ml)": Volume of seed water to be added to the bottle. Sample and seed volumes will be accepted if the constraint "Sample
Seed Inhibitor volume <= Total volume" is satisfied. When the test is running, the first 2/3 of the dilution water is
added, then the seed, and then the inhibitor volume request (if a liquid is used). The final 1/3 of the dilution water is added after the seed/
inhibitor addition.
"INHIB VOL (ml)": Volume of inhibitor to be added to the bottle.