Version 1 .0
| 39
No initialization
- Check if something is blocking one of the arms from moving back to initial position
Arms not moving
- Switch unit off and check if something is blocking the arms from moving
Software does not recognize one of the
components while starting
- Verify USB cable connection
- Verify probe connection
Inaccurate liquid handling
- Prime fluid lines before using
- Check the fittings and tubes (cracks, leakage)
- Calibrate the pump
Pump turning but does not pump liquid
- Check pump tubing and fittings
- Replace peristaltic pump tubing
Invalid DO Value at day 0:
Verify that the proODO probe was properly maintained and not damaged. Assuming
that the peristaltic pump calibration, the priming and DO probe calibration were done
properly, verify that a well diluted sample pretreatment with a pH 7.0 to 7.2 at 200 °C
was used. Verify that the dilution water and the seed were prepared according to the
established methods; the QC sample was prepared according to the Glucose-Glutamic
Acid (GGA) standard. The dissolved oxygen (DO) in the seed volume is according to
the specifications. Then, restart the process. If the same case happens again, contact
technical support at