STATIM 7000 Service Manual –
Steam Gen. Check Valve
8. Steam Generator Check Valve
To inspect the check valve, turn ON the compressor using the Control Box, and
allow the unit to run for a few minutes. Allow the unit to cool to the touch.
Remove and inspect the air filter, the bacteria retentive filter and the compressor.
See Compressor.
If there is evidence of water in the bacteria retentive filter, replace the steam
generator check valve and the filter.
If there is evidence of water in the compressor or if the compressor filter is wet,
replace the steam generator check valve, compressor and filters.
To Remove the Steam Generator Check Valve, follow these steps:
1. Turn the power switch OFF, and unplug the unit.
2. Carefully cut the cable tie holding the compressor tube onto the check
valve inlet and pull the tube off the valve.
3. Disconnect the check valve. NOTE: Apply the wrench to the part of the
valve closest to the steam generator.
To Replace the Steam Generator Check Valve, follow these steps:
1. Prepare the right angle fitting by wrapping the threads with Teflon™ pipe
fitting tape (minimum one complete wrap).
2. Thread the new valve onto the right angle valve fitting in the top of the
steam generator. Using a wrench on the end of the valve closest to the