2.11 Camera backward switching.
To display the video of previous camera.
2.12 Camera forward switching
To display the video of next camera.
2.13 Alarm Input
Each alarm input box (AI64) can connect 64 detectors. The system can connect 16 alarm input boxes,
totally 1024 detectors. The detector
s probe mode can be NO or NC.
2.14 Alarm Output
Each alarm output box (AO16) has 16 inner relay outputs. Two modes are available: NO and NC. The
system can connect 4 alarm output boxes, totally 64 relay outputs.
2.15 Fortify Setup
There are manual and auto fortifies which can be set through system menu. When auto mode is selected,
the system activates according to the fortify table, and the system can process partial manual commands
sent through the keyboard. When manual mode is selected, the system will only process manual com-
mands and the auto fortify table is not available now. Besides,
auto fortify form administrates according
to the fortify area in a cycle of seven days.
2.16 Auto Alarm Switch
When system receives alarm signal, it will switch to the video of alarm event, and activates preset,
auxiliary switch, video recorder and alarm sound and display the alarm status information on the monitor.
The video, dwell time, preset and open/close time of auxiliary switch of an alarm event can be set by
system administration software.
2.17 Alarm Handing Mode
The alarm display modes include sequence display mode and auto-build mode. There are 7 alarm modes.
2.17.1 Alarm Sequence Display
The assigned N monitors will display the alarm videos. When several alarm signals appears
simultaneously, the N monitors of this group will display the previous not N alarm videos to which
are not respondent. Besides, N could be 1, 2, 3, 4, totally 4 modes. When an alarm is respondent to,
monitor will display the N+1 alarm video to which is not respondent. Analogize sequentially. On
the manual mode, this system can keep alarm state. Even the alarm signal is disconnected, if the
user does not respond to the alarm, the alarm status will exist.
2.17.2 Auto-build Mode
The designated N monitors will display the alarm videos. N could be 1, 2, 3, 4, totally 4 modes.
When several alarm signals exist simultaneously, all of the signal will make sequential scan dis-
play on the first monitor according to the time priority. Besides, the N-1 signal will display on
another monitor. When an alarm video is respondent to, the alarm group will anew and the next
alarm video will display on that monitor. Until all the alarm videos are respondent to, the system
will renew normal. On the manual mode, the system can also store alarm status. Even the alarm
signal is disconnected, if the user does not respond to the alarm, the alarm status will exist.
2.18 Alarm ACK
There are two modes of alarm ACK: manual ACK and auto ACK. The modes can cause the system to
exit the alarm event status and return to the working status before the alarm event. The system master
can authorize any keyboard (user) the right to clear an alarm. The unauthorized keyboard does not have