Browser-Based User Interface
User Manual 1177.6017.02 ─ 05
Sets the maximum noise ratio in the measurement result.
Remote command:
Filter Terminal Control
Defines how the measurement results are output. This is called termination control.
See also
Chapter 9.5, "Controlling the Measurement"
Outputs intermediate values to facilitate early detection of changes in
the measured quantity. In the settled state, that means when the
number of measurements specified by the averaging factor has been
performed, a moving average is output.
Specifies that a measurement result is not output until the entire mea-
surement has been completed. This means that the number of mea-
surement cycle repetitions is equal to the set averaging factor. If the
averaging factor is large, the measurement time can be very long.
Remote command:
Auto Measurement Time
Available only if "noise content" is set under
Sets an upper limit for the settling time of the auto-averaging filter, thus limiting the
length of the filter.
Remote command:
Trigger Settings
Describes the trigger parameters. You can define the conditions that have to be fulfilled
for a measurement to be triggered.
Further information:
Chapter 9.5.5, "Configuring the Trigger"
Chapter 9.5, "Controlling the Measurement"
Access: main dialog of the web user interface > navigation pane > "Trigger"