PRT32 v1.0 fv74.7 Rev. A EN
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The maximum length of the cable run between a PRT reader and an XM-2 module
and optional secondary PRT reader is limited to 150 m. For two-way door control
the primary PRT unit needs to be configured for Full Stand-alone mode while the
second (slave) reader needs to be configured for
RACS Online mode
with address
set to
Note: For Full Stand-alone mode the XM-2 I/O extension module connected to the
PRT reader has to be configured for address ID=5.
5 . 2 . 2 .
S i m p l e S t a n d - a l o n e m o d e
In this mode the reader’s CLK and DTA lines are used as standard, general purpose,
inputs or outputs while the IN1 line operates always as a programmable input. Each
I/O line (CLK, DTA and IN1) can be configured fro several available functions.
The CLK and DTA lines may operate either as an input or output. Installer has
to program each line for adequate function. The function assigned to CLK/DTA line
automatically determines whether the line will operate as output or input. If
configured to be an output, the CLK or DTA line operates as an open-collector line
capable to sink up to 20 mA. When necessary, both lines (CLK and DTA) can be
configured as
Door lock
output and connected together (shorted) for increased
output current (up to 40mA).
Functional description for Offline mode
In the Offline (Stand-alone) mode, a PRT reader can register up to 120 users, each
with a card, PIN code (3-6 digits) and ID number (000–119). Every entry of a PIN
code must be followed by the [#] key which is required to mark an end of a PIN.
Users can be identified by their PINs or cards. When the Card and PIN Identification
Mode is set, users must present their card and subsequently enter its PIN (always